“Do you know where you’re going to?Do you like the things that life is showing you? Where are you going to? Do you know?” Puff Daddy – Do You Know, 1997
I haven’t felt like writing in a while, hence the silence. In fact I hadn’t felt like doing much apart from the straightforward tasks. Indecision led to procrastination, which eventually lead to seeking short term gratification and all in all, little or no progress. 

This is a guaranteed formula. We’ve all tried it, and worst of all, we tend to deceive ourselves when we’re deep in this trap. We know we have to look for a way out, but we usually seems a shortcut or something (well at least that was the thought running through my brain everyday). 

It wasn’t until my girlfriend asked me if I know what I want (and I picked all the vague ambitions roaming in my brain) that I realised; I hadn’t decided on what I want and who I want to be in this world. 

Life can sway you in any direction and you’ll be like a moth to a flame when you’re going with the wind. When observing history, you can see that great men and women see their future selves everyday, all day and they get on the journey to filling those big shoes. You can save, work hard, make connections and all, but without a plan for your life, you won’t make it through the obstacles you WILL face. That’s why people can’t even keep New Year’s resolutions, they have pieces of a puzzle but haven’t decided what the picture should look like in the end. 

Defining your purpose is the most important part of your journey. Without that, your dreams will be just that, dreams, and you’ll wake up to a painful reality everyday. 

Happy New Year. Get to know yourself, decide. That one choice will make everything fall in place. ✊🏾
Listen to: Puff Daddy – Do You Know

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